Corporate Profile

(as of March 31, 2022)

Company Name



May 15, 1917


¥35,579 million

Main Businesses

*Product availability will depend on the regional market

<Residential equipment>
Sanitary ware (toilet basins, urinals, sinks, washbasins, etc.),
System toilets,
Toilet seats (e.g., Washlet),
Plumbing accessories, etc.
Unit bathrooms,
Fittings (various faucets, drain fittings, etc.)
Modular kitchens, bathroom vanity units,
Marbright artificial marble counters,
Bathroom ventilation, heating and drying systems,
Welfare equipment,
Green Building Materials (tiles, ceramic slabs, etc.) etc.

<New business domain products>
Ceramics (Advanced Ceramics, etc.)

Representative Directors

Representative Director, Chairman of the Board
Madoka Kitamura
President, Representative Director
Noriaki Kiyota
Representative Director, Executive Vice President
Satoshi Shirakawa

Number of consolidated employees

Consolidated: 36,853
(as of March 31, 2022)


1-1, Nakashima 2-chome, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 802-8601 Japan

Overseas Group Companies


TOTO U.S.A., Inc.


TOTO Europe GmbH
TOTO Germany GmbH


TOTO Asia Oceania Pte. LTD.
PT. SURYA TOTO INDONESIA Tbk. (Affiliate Company)

Group Shared Philosophy

Company Mottos

The Company Mottos represent the thoughts of the founder to be passed down through the generations.

① Take pride in your work, and strive to do your best

② Quality and Uniformity

③ Service and Trust

④ Cooperation and Prosprerity

TOTO Company Mottos

TOTO Group Corporate Philosophy

Based on the ideology conveyed in our corporate motto, we express to all stakeholders the purpose of our corporate existence, our business domains, and our aspirations.

The TOTO Group strives to be a great company trusted by people all around the world, and contributing to the betterment of society. To achieve our Corporate Philosophy,

TOTO will :

· Create an enriched and more comfortable lifestyle and culture built on our plumbing product.

· Pursue customer satisfaction by exceeding expectations with our products and services.

· Provide high-quality products and services through ongoing research and development.

· Protect the global environment by conserving finite natural resources and energy.

· Create an employee friendly work environment that respects the indi-viduality of each employee.

Charter of TOTO Group Corporate Behavior

The TOTO Group wants to be an entity that constantly assumes a leading role in the realization of a sustainable society by creating added value, which is useful for society, and employment, as well as by autonomous and responsible actions through fair and free competition. To realize that, all people working for the TOTO Group strive to play an active role with a strong sense of duty based on the concepts indicated in the corporate motto and philosophy, and to fulfill their social responsibilities. The Charter of TOTO Group Corporate Behavior stipulates the basic stance of behavior of all people working for TOTO Group to realize all stakeholders' satisfaction.






& Partner


The TOTO Group shall pursue customer satisfaction and provide products and services that are environmentally friendly, safe, and easy to use through innovation to realize sustainable economic growth and solve social issues.

· By promoting innovation, the TOTO Group shall aim to realize a future society where comfortable lives and solutions to social issues are achieved at the same time.
· By making use of the various data, the TOTO Group shall create new value, such as innovative products and services, and contribute to the solution to social issues.


The TOTO Group shall develop sensible business activities in transparent, fair ways, and responsible procurement, and sustain sound normal relationships with political organizations and governmental administrations.

· In its business activities, the TOTO Group shall observe the related laws and regulations, as well as international norms and their spirit, and carry out fair and transparent trading and responsible procurement and competition.
· The TOTO Group shall never provide business entertainment, gifts or monetary compensation for acquisitions, seek profits unfairly or offer preferential treatment.


The TOTO Group shall facilitate communications with society; disclose corporate information proactively, effectively, and fairly; and have constructive dialogs with a variety of stakeholders to improve corporate value.

· The TOTO Group shall protect personal information and customer information with sufficient care, and control that information appropriately.
· The TOTO Group shall disclose all appropriate and meaningful information to its stakeholders in a timely manner.
· The TOTO Group shall communicate interactively with society through public relations initiatives.
· The TOTO Group shall communicate with its shareholders through investor relations activities.
· The TOTO Group shall provide comprehensive education for employees and establish and strengthen its organizational structure to prevent insider trading.


The TOTO Group shall respect the human rights of every person in all countries and regions in its business activities and contribute to their development.

· The TOTO Group shall understand and respect human rights that are recognized globally (internationally) and prevent negative influences on such human rights that are directly linked to our products and services.
· The TOTO Group shall officially announce the policy of executing its responsibility to respect human rights in its business activities.
· As a member of the international society, the TOTO Group shall respect international norms of human rights and shall not be involved in any forced labor nor child labor.


The TOTO Group shall improve customer satisfaction through appropriate information provision on products and services and honest communication.

· The TOTO Group shall gain customer satisfaction and trust by providing products with universal design and environmentally friendly products and services.
· The TOTO Group shall act and make decisions in ways that put customer satisfaction first.
· All TOTO Group employees shall pay careful attention to and take great pride in their personal conduct and deportment, such as their attitude toward customers, telephone manners, daily greetings and personal appearance.


The TOTO Group shall improve the ability of all people working for TOTO, and realize a workstyle where diversity and individuality are respected in a pleasant working environment where importance is placed on health and safety.

· The TOTO Group shall strive to create a company that takes pride and joy in a job well done, and foster its employees’ abilities and creativity while respecting their individuality and autonomy.
· The TOTO Group shall create an environment that develops the abilities of all of its employees to the fullest extent through fair treatment, without regard to nationality, gender, or disability.
· The TOTO Group shall create a comfortable working environment that promotes the physical and mental health of its employees through daily health and safety programs.
· The TOTO Group shall strive to develop proper relationships with all employees of its Group through sincere discussions and consultations.


The TOTO Group shall build awareness of global environment issues as common issues of all humankind and aggressively tackle these issues from a global point of view as essential for the existence and activities of the company.

· The TOTO Group shall work on the establishment of a decarbonized society on a global level from a long-term perspective.
· The TOTO Group shall contribute to the effective utilization of limited water resources and engage in the formation of a sustainable society by conserving resources and energy, and sustainable use.
· The TOTO Group shall take action to reduce environmental loads and risks in all processes of its business activities.
· The TOTO Group shall undertake the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable development.


As a good corporate citizen, the TOTO Group shall constructively participate in and contribute to the development of communities and society overall.

· As a good corporate citizen, the TOTO Group shall proactively contribute to society by working with all of its stakeholders, including customers, and local community members.


The TOTO Group shall be prepared for actions of antisocial powers, terrorist attacks, and cyberattacks, as well as natural disasters, and thoroughly implement organizational crisis management.

· The TOTO Group shall resolutely oppose antisocial powers that pose threats to civil life and corporate activities, and sever relationships with them.
· The TOTO Group shall always be prepared for terrorist attacks, cyberattacks, and natural disasters and thoroughly implement organizational actions and training.


TOTO’s top management shall build effective governance and, as their role, thoroughly enforce corporate ethics not only within the TOTO Group but also across supply chains and with business partners. When a situation that conflicts with this charter and may lose the trust of society arises, TOTO’s top management shall exercise leadership to strive to resolve it.

· In the event of issues arising in conflict with this charter, TOTO's top management shall make clear both inside and outside the TOTO Group its intention to address the issue on its own, investigate the cause, formulate a solution, and prevent recurrence.
· TOTO’s top management shall swiftly and precisely disclose all pertinent information to the appropriate social entities to fulfill accountability requirements, clarify authority and responsibilities, and take appropriate measures to prevent any recurrence of issues.
· When a situation that conflicts with this charter arises, TOTO's top management shall clarify both within the Group and toward the outside their intention to exercise leadership in striving to resolve such conflicts and shall exercise responsibility in trying to find the cause and prevent a recurrence.

Business Activity Vision


Toward a Dynamic, Vibrant,
and Excellent TOTO


This term expresses the intention of the most important matters to be implemented in the medium and long term for the sustainable growth of the TOTO Group.

TOTO's Mission

Mid- or Long-Term

Management Plan

전 세계에 TOTO 팬을 늘려 갑니다.

TOTO는 탄소 중립적이고 지속 가능한 사회의 실현에 기여함으로써 모든 사람에게 편안하고 건강한 라이프스타일을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

TOTO의 초대 사장 오쿠라 카즈치카는 후임인 모모키 사부로 사장에게 편지를 썼습니다. 그 편지에 담긴 내용은 TOTO 그룹이 창립자의 말로서 지금까지 소중히 간직하고 있습니다. 그 내용에는 "항상 친절이 우선" 이고, 우리의 목표는 좋은 제품을 제공하여 고객을 만족시키는 것이며, 이를 달성함으로써 이윤과 보상이 뒤따를 것이라고 말합니다.

친절과 정직은 보편적인 가치입니다. 창립자의 말씀은 “이 세상의 많은 사람들이 이윤의 그림자를 쫓습니다. TOTO의 독특함, 친절함, 정직함, 고객지향적인 성격을 바탕으로 사업을 진행함으로써 다양한 문제를 해결할 수 있을 것입니다. 앞으로도 정직하게 사회문제에 직면하고 환경문제에 신중하게 임하면 반드시 이익이 뒤따를 것입니다. 이것은 바뀌어서는 안 되는 것입니다.”

회사의 모토, TOTO 그룹 기업 이념, 창립자 말씀의 정신을 바탕으로 한 TOTO 그룹 기업행동헌장은 직원이 공유하고 계승할 TOTO의 계승된 가치, 즉 “마음”을 대변하고 있으며, 이는 불변의 것입니다. 우리의 '신체'(비즈니스 활동)은 비즈니스 환경의 변화에 따라 적응하지만, '마음'은 사원 한 사람 한 사람의 행동의 전제조건으로 확고하게 뿌리 내리고 있기에 그것이 TOTO 그룹의 강점이 되고 있습니다.

2021년 4월 장기적인 관점에서 우리가 이루고자 하는 생활방식이나 사회, 환경을 명확히 하는 새로운 공유가치 창출전략 TOTO WILL2030(이하 WILL2030)을 수립하였습니다. TOTO 그룹은 2050년 탄소중립적이고 지속 가능한 사회의 실현을 통해 사회와 환경 문제 해결에 기여하면서, 모두에게 편안하고 건강한 생활방식을 제공하는 것을 목표로 경제 성장을 달성 할 것입니다. 이러한 이유로, 우리의 기업 철학을 구현하기 위해 그룹 전체가 철저하게 다루어야 하는 주요 핵심 주제는 청결과 편안함, 환경 및 관계입니다.

최근 몇 년 사이 국제 사회의 분열, 기후 변화로 인한 지구 온난화 등 다양한 사회 환경의 변화가 일어나고 있습니다. 우리의 사명은 지속 가능한 방식으로 지구 환경을 물려주는 것입니다. 이러한 변화에 대응하는 속도를 높이고 참여 영역을 넓혀 우리의 철학을 구현해야 한다고 생각합니다. 또한 WILL2030에 기반한 사업 활동을 통해 국제연합(UN)의 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)에도 기여하겠습니다.

TOTO 그룹의 사업 활동은 모든 이해 관계자의 지원과 협력 덕분에 가능합니다. 먼저, 우리 스스로가 진정성 있고 감사하는 마음을 갖는 것이 출발점입니다. 고객과 사회를 위한 밝은 미래를 열어가기 위해 임직원이 힘을 합쳐 노력하겠습니다.

대표이사 사장

For Our Customers and Society

TOTO Aims to Provide Comfortable and Healthy Lifestyles to All by Contributing to the Realization of a Carbon-Neutral and Sustainable Society.

TOTO’s first president, Kazuchika Okura, wrote a letter to his successor, Saburo Momoki. The words contained in that letter have been treasured by the TOTO Group ever since as the Words of Our Founder. These words express the idea that “kindness must always come first” and state that our goal should be to provide good products and satisfy the customer and, by accomplishing that, profit and compensation will follow.

Kindness and honesty are our universal values. The Words of Our Founder asserts that “Many in this world chase after the shadow of profit”. Carrying out business under the precedent of TOTO’s uniqueness, kindness, honesty, and customer-oriented nature should enable us to resolve various issues. If we continue to face social issues with honesty and carefully engage in environmental issues, profit will definitely follow. This is something that must not change.

The Company Mottos, TOTO Group Corporate Philosophy, and Charter of TOTO Group Corporate Behavior based on the spirit of the Words of Our Founder represent the inherited values, in other words the “heart,” of TOTO that are shared among employees and will be carried forward into the future. This remains unchanged. However, the way our “body” (business activities) moves will adapt in response to changes in the business environment. The TOTO Group’s strength lies in the fact that the “heart” is firmly rooted as the precondition of each employee’s actions.

We formulated the New Shared Value Creation Strategy TOTO WILL2030 (hereinafter, WILL2030) which clarifies the lifestyle, society, and environment we want to achieve from a long-term perspective in April 2021. The TOTO Group will achieve economic growth while helping resolve social and environmental issues by realizing a carbon-neutral and sustainable society in 2050 and aiming to provide comfortable and healthy lifestyles to all. For this reason, the key material issues entire group must thoroughly address to embody our Corporate Philosophy are Cleanliness and Comfort, Environment, and Relationships.

In recent years, there have already been various changes to the social environment, including divisions in the international community and global warming due to climate change. Our mission is to pass on the global environment in a sustainable manner. I believe that we must expand the area that we engage in and increase the speed of response to these changes to embody our Philosophy. We will also contribute to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the business activities based on WILL2030.

The TOTO Group’s business activities are made possible thanks to the support and cooperation of all our stakeholders. First, our starting point is that we ourselves must be sincere and thankful in our approach. Our employees will unite in their efforts to open the way for a bright future for our customers and society.

Representative Director